Old Postcards from Holley New York

Here's a few postcards and pictures from Holley, NY. Home of an Erie Canal Waterfall

There used to be a side canal that went into Holley, it had a couple locks to lower the barges & boats dues to the height difference. This postcard is Circa 1910, just as the original Erie Canal gave way to expansion to the new Barge Canal

The Village of Holley sits about 60 feet below the canal behind these two large dams. 

When they built the new NY Barge Canal (1919-25) this feeder canal was shutoff. They tried to seal it completely but over the years has developed a leak... that has become an Erie Canal waterfall called Holley Falls.

All of the trees you see, are on an Earthen Embankment Dam that is Unsafe according to the owners, NY Canal Corp. And it has a leak coming down it's face... that water heads to a dive culvert seen in the lower left of the picture.

Here's what the earthen embankment looks like closeup

This is what the Holley Falls Embankment Dam should look like, Circa 1920s


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  1. […] one of the largest, in height, embankments found in the western section of the Erie Canalway, the Holley Falls Embankment Dam. It's one of the nicest places to spend an afternoon, and we highly recommend it to […]

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