Village Reorganization with GRACE

Per the 2010 New York Government Reorganization And Citizen Empowerment Act legislation, redundant local government in our State, is one of the root causes that has earned New York State the infamous title of "Highest Taxed State in the Country".


If you don't believe us, listen to an EXPERT discuss Village Dissolution in NY State


The GRACE law as it's known by, essentially changed the state laws regarding local government and made it easier for a Village to voluntarily "dissolve" per State guidelines.


GRACE laws also provided a method of village reorganization that can be prompted by village citizens through the Referendum Voting method, empowering them to be able to control their own over-taxation on a local level.


If local village officials want to help the over-taxation problem by following the GRACE legislation, the State will pay to develop the Village Reorganization Plan. This is done by an independent third party, in accordance with State Law.


That Reorganization plan is needed to finalize the government reduction and is also voted on by Village residents, many of whom are looking for tax relief as they have two property tax bills to pay annually, one directly to support those village leaders.


If local village officials  DO NOT  want to help the over-taxation problem, then village citizens have been empowered by the GRACE changes, to call for a vote to FORCE those elected Village Officials to comply with getting that Village Reorganization Plan completed. Once completed the Village plan can be posted,  reviewed and voted on by the village residents. 


Lowering your annual County/Town/Village Property Tax , for VILLAGE residents in NY, is that simple, and for Village residents, that are unfairly taxed twice each year for the same home, this is the relief we have waited for. Now it's time for community action, time to hold Village Government accountable to village residents, not their own personal needs. 


If you landed on this page you are probably looking for how to help in your own Village Reorganization


Select your Village Name from the list below and you will be directed to a new page that will help answer your questions. You will find information on how your signature can be added to a  Referendum for Village Reorganization in your area.


You must be a registered voter in that Village to sign your Village Referendum.


We have posted a FLOW CHART for the Government Reorganization Process to help understand the requirements, restrictions and timeline for review.




We strongly suggest you read and understand the Process of Village Reorganization before you attempt it as Citizen-Initiated Reorganizations can only happen every 4 years if not passed initially. Also read our FAQ & BLOG Pages for more information that can help you on the journey to reorganize your own local village government and Eliminate Village Taxes


There is also a Citizen's Guide to Village Petitions that is a MUST READ if anyone intends on working or supporting a Village Reorganization in their community. It explains all of the paperwork, signature collection, and submission to the local government as well as explains the timeline of the government reorganization process and it's steps.




We are also looking for your help, please tell us what you like or don't like about village living by answering two polls on our ECNA Forum Page.

Click the questions below to answer each, multiple choice of course.


What do you like MOST about Village Life?


What do you like LEAST about Village Life?



NY Villages Considering Reorganization






PITTSFORD (Coming Soon)






HOLLEY (Coming Soon)


ALBION (Coming Soon)


MEDINA (Coming Soon)


MIDDLEPORT (Coming Soon)



Don't see your Village here?




We have also provided a CONTACT FORM to ask questions or provide comments and we welcome your input. Please take the time to offer your ideas and thoughts or come join the ECNA, get in the conversations on our Forum. We are always looking for new Forum Moderators and their insights.

Click the image below to go and see what we are discussing today.