If you haven't seen the new Canalway Trail Times...it's published by the NY Parks & Trails... here: https://canalwaytrailtimes.org/2020/01/24/hot-off-the-press-canalway-trail-times-issue-53
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Canal Embankment Integrity Program Delivers a Safer NY State Canal
NYS Canal Earthen Embankment Integrity Program will fix structural issues along the canal's many raised embankments... It's not hard to imagine that trees fall or get blown over in NY State. Most times it's a simple cleanup, but not when it happens to trees on Earthen Dams that line the NYS Canal System. Getting at…
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Reimagine a Better NY State Canal
Take a look at this idea... getting people down to the water's edge of the NYS Canal There's some exciting things floating your way on the new Erie Canal and we hope to keep you abreast of it all. RE-IMAGINE the CANAL is a bold project envisioned by the new owners, The New York…
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Welcome to the Erie Canal Neighbor’s Association
Glad you found us... come join the conversation at our Forum... Click the Forum Menu Link Above or Click Our HERE
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