Reimagine the Canal

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Reimagine the Canals Blog

Information & videos about the NYS Canal System's Reimagine the Canals Program building a 21st Century solution for a 19th century NY Landmark

There's some exciting things floating your way on the new Erie Canal and we hope to keep you abreast of it all.

RE-IMAGINE the CANAL is a bold project envisioned by the new owners, The New York Power Authority. You can read more about it following these links.

Plan to Re-imagine the  Erie Canal System

300 Million Plan to Re-imagine the Iconic Erie Canal



NY Parks & Trails is excited about this work too

Parks & Trails New York   --    Re-imagine initiative to give new life to old canals


Here's a nice video explaining the Reimagine the Canals initial effort & competition:

Here's another video discussing a plan for using the Canal System in the Winter, Fairport & Pittsford are the proposed initial trial site


This is a video discussing the idea of Erie Canal Pocket Neighborhood idea to get people closer to the Erie Canal



It's all about trying to revitalize the canal itself as well as the communities that surround it



And there are no limits to where NYPA and the NY Canal Corporation will take this centuries Erie Canal rebirth... one into  21st Century global recreational destination perhaps.



Here's a nice webpage link to few companies that have been partnering with New York Power Authority & the NY Canal Corporation to make this "reimagine" dream come true.

Click an image to open their Reimagine Vision

If you want more information on the Reimagine the Canals Program click the image below