Village Reorganization is Really about New York State Government Reform

If you look long enough at a problem "the dots" seem to magically connect themselves...


This statewide government reorganization effort, which takes a hard look at the smallest level of local government with Incorporated Villages, is really part of a much larger effort for Reforming Government in NY State. NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is driving the effort to make NYS Governments more accountable as well as more efficient to save taxpayers money.

Basically the NY Reforming Government effort is putting "power" back into the hands of "empowered" citizens, to help them use the state's electoral system to promote positive change. Citizens can now petition voting referendums on everything from reorganizing village government to stopping the use of property tax caps entirely.

There is a website that was created to supply citizens with the "tools" needed for driving & promoting reduction in local governments, costs to taxpayers and how to use the power of the vote to even stop "annual" Property Tax hikes, similar to what's happening now in our area.

Click the IMAGE to go to the NY State Reforming Government Website.




There's a nice video from the Governor talking about the purpose of this Reform Govt. effort.





There are many interactive web pages and state maps that show data on where your community ranks compared to other locations in NY state for Property Tax or the Number of Local Governments. You can click the IMAGE below to take a look at two we found.












There is even a quiz to test your knowledge of how New York State compares to other states in the country, as well as interesting facts about our own state. To take a look click the image below.





This is well worth some time if anyone is looking for all of the tools needed for addressing issues with your own local governments.

If you want to eliminate village taxes, it's here. Right size your local

If you want to stop your local government from increasing their Budgets by the State Tax Cap annually, it's here as well. Citizens can vote to NOT USE the state mandated cap and either increase it or decrease it by simply Petitioning for a Vote Referendum... it's here.

Take some time to get involved, it's what empowered citizens due to fight back against too much local government and government that has become more of a tax burden than benefit.

Get involved...






1 Response

  1. Sadly, the general public and Village Taxpayers specifically, have not received the message of excessive & redundant NYS Local Government well. The reasons for ignoring the lawmakers legislation on Village Government Reorganization are all over the map, and none seem to take into consideration the UNFAIR cost associated with a Village Government on small portions of New York State residents.

    Village taxes have now become a way for a few local residents to earn a living off the backs of their neighbors…who are growing weary of them saying “it’s never enough” each and EVERY YEAR that Village Budgets are made and Tax Assessments are’s all for THEIR salary, heathcare and retirement income and the cost of our own financial well-being.

    Go and read this article, join the fight to end this unfair Village Taxation

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