Tag Archives: vegetation

Guidelines for Vegetation on Embankment Dams

The US Army Corps of Engineers have a published article regarding the vegetation management of Embankment Dams etc. For brevity’s sake, I have extracted relevant passages. ETL1110-2-583 Examination of this document should give the reader an insight as to why the Canal Authority is carrying out the long overdue work to restore the embankments to the conditions…
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New York DEC explains problems with Trees and Brush near Dams

Trees and brush may be aesthetically pleasing and provide other benefits; however, the growth of woody vegetation on and near dams, including the downstream toe area, can lead to serious problems. Sudden uprooting of trees by strong winds can result in the movement of a relatively large amount of embankment material and create large voids…
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A Comparison with The Netherlands

It was pointed out a while ago that The Netherlands had many more canals and dams than we have on The Erie Canal, and consequently, they have more experience. So, lets look at the facts here. See http://dutchdikes.net for more details The Netherlands’ dike network extends for over 22,000 kilometres (including dikes that do not serve as…
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