Category Archives: Canal Repair

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Culvert Washed Out in Recent Storm

Culvert Washed Out in Recent Storm Mike Caswell July 6, 2018  Last night, we had a strong thunderstorm, and the culvert flowing through the Oxbow feeding the canal was washed out. The ‘bridge’ over the culvert is the old towpath for the original canal. The water flows from Minerva Deland school playing fields into The Oxbow…
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NYPA Canal Ownership: The Pro’s & Cons

The NYPA and the Canal pro's and cons. Mike Caswell June 13, 2018 I’ve made this amateur video to help explain the pro’s and cons of the projects the NYPA has undertaken to make the canal safer.
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NYPA Save The Oxbow Embankment Dam From Slope Failure

NYPA Please Save The Oxbow Embankment Dam From Slope Failure Mike Caswell March 20, 2018 Spotted today on the towpath at the Oxbow area in Fairport, several surveyors in two vans, looking at a potentially dangerous area where there is a leak right under an badly positioned R.G& E electricity pylon atop the dam. The…
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