Category Archives: Canal Facts

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Why is the Erie Canal closed for the winter?

Actually the NYS Canal System never fully closes. While many sections may be drained, dewatering is the official term, large portions of the canal remain full or near full. The canal is really open 24/7, 365 days per year. about half the time it's open for navigation, the other half is closed for repairs. Many…
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This is the place to go for Erie Canal Information

By far the best place for Canal Information The ECNA has to mention a website that seems to be one of the best collections of Erie Canal material that we have found. It has it all from pictures to engineering plans. And they also prepared a nice piece for the 175th Anniversary that was built…
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Are Erie Canal Embankments actually Higher Risk Earthen Dams?

Some would say the short answer is YES! The Phreatic Line is one of the favorite topics here at the ECNA, just ask Mike Caswell If you look at the Perinton Safety Video, created by the Canal Corporation, they mention the issues with seepage and breaches. Most of this has to do with one part…
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Testimony in question – Vegetation on Dams.

Testimony in question – Vegetation on Dams. Mike Caswell April 19, 2018 In the recent court case when an injunction was filed against the New York Power Authority to stop vegetation removal from the canal Earthen Embankment Dams between Brighton, Pittsford and Fairport,  Mr Donald H Gray (Professor Emeritus)  was called on to provide testimony.…
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